Black Mirror By Adam J Gellings

Black Mirror

after Manuel Álvarez Bravo 


To look¬–
look through the black light
of a single lens
in full view of midday
until the moment of exposure
captures you
tilting slightly towards a corner of the sky

Where sunlight fills your body
& a blank wall
meets smooth tile–
where warm legs & knees are drawn together
to conceal most of your left breast
& the small piece of fabric
you rest on

Shadows cast themselves like small negatives
stretching across your right arm
your left arm curves upward
to support your reflection your gaze
your shining lips that seem to keep in
so many good words

that will never get used.

By Adam J Gellings


Adam J Gellings is a poet from Columbus, Ohio. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from Ashland University & currently lives in New York. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Post Road, Quarter After Eight & Salamander.

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