Noticing By Terra Oliveira


to be myself
just like any other
is to give of my attention

the capitalist class leeches our attention
& we pay
commodity of each other
extraction of the world
monetization of our potential

attention is precious & holy
& its objects where we place
the entire meaning of our lives

having faith
that what we notice
& love
can & will be changed
in ways we may like or not

our fight
is in taking back everything

By Terra Oliveira


Terra Oliveira is a multidisciplinary writer and visual artist from the San Francisco Bay Area, and the founding editor of Recenter Press. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in The American Poetry Review, Bamboo Ridge Press, Protean Magazine, Paperbark Magazine, and elsewhere, and they were the Artist-in-Residence at the Schoolhouse at Mutianyu at the Great Wall in March 2017. Their ancestral lineages come from the Azores, the Hawaiian islands, Southern China, and throughout Eurasia. You can find them managing a bookstore in the North Bay, and on Instagram @terraoliveira_.

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